Linda Cordero
What is the actual phone policy? Why do we have it?, Let’s find out.
Phones should be completely off and put away where it isn’t visible to anyone's eyes (preferably in your backpack). The phone policy starts at 7:27 to 2:25.
“This is our 4th year with this phone policy, phones were a problem. Kids would come into class distracted, kids were outside on their phones,” Mr.Padilla said. Kids would never pay attention so that’s why the phone policy is strict.
The school wants kids to talk to one another and socialize with the people around them. “Everyone was disconnected with each other and they were all focused on the world in their screen,” Mr.Padilla said.
“A lot of drama happened, people were texting back and forth to each other and caused a lot of problems,” Mr.Padilla said. People would arrange fights and say nasty words to each other.
There was drama but there was also a lot of danger with phones. “People were walking playing a game or have their ear buds in and that was a safety issue because what if we had to get their attention but we couldn't because they couldn’t hear us because of how loud their music is,” Mr.Padilla said.
“So we finally put a stop to it and said no more. We want the kids to reconnect with teachers, students, and their friends,” Mr.Padilla said. They want more communication with everyone and to get to know the teachers we’ll be with the whole year.
“Everyday I walk outside with these envelopes, we’re seeing kids responding and surviving without their phones,” Mr.Padilla said. Also, “We are very much so enforcing our policy of no phones during the day,” Mr.Padilla said. They are doing the phone policy for the students on safety and education.
Now the policy does have a twist to it. “If you use them during your class time with the teachers permission that’s fine” Mr.Padilla said.
Even if the policy does have a twist if you forget to take off your earbuds before you leave the classroom your phone will be taken away. “Sometimes kids would forget to take out their earbuds and walk out of class and as soon as you walk off the ramp you are no longer in class so you are violating the school policy and we’ll take the earbuds from you,” Mr.Padilla said.
“If you’re are to focus on your phone you’ll ignore everything around you and you won’t enjoy high school, so that’s the idea of the phone policy,” Mr.Padilla said.
Also “You get it taken away one time you can come pick them up, the second time we take anything parents have to pick them up,” Mr.Padilla said. The district policy of phones are no phones at all but other schools don’t really enforce it like Hesperia High School.
There has been rumors about phones not allowed to be on the bus either. “As soon as the bell rings to start class at 7:30 the phone policy is in effect and as soon as 2:25 rings the phone policy is over and you can have them out,” Mr.Padilla said.
There will be times where the adults takes the earbuds from you they will only take the earbuds but there will be other times where they will take earbuds and phone. If you have you earbuds on your shirt than they might just take the earbuds but if you see you actually listening to something they will most likely take both away. It depends on the situation you are in.
“We don’t like taking phones, it’s a pain for everyone,” Mr Padilla saId.